VB web services with Office 2007 and newer

One quick tip for those trying to code SOAP services using VB. On Office 2007 and newer, you'll need to use the MSSOAP30.DLL library which means changing the new object call from:




Because this returns an IXMLDOMSelection object, you also no longer need to specify the .childnodes member. So the general purpose script now looks like this:

Dim xmlDoc, SOAPClient, siteRoot

siteRoot = "http://sharepoint"

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0")
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.loadXML( _
   "<Document>" + _
   "  <Query><Where><Gt><FieldRef Name=""ID"" />" + "<Value 
Type=""Counter"">1</Value></Gt></Where></Query>" + _
   "  <ViewFields/>" + _
   "  <QueryOptions/>" + _

Set SOAPClient = CreateObject("MSOSOAP.SOAPClient30")
SOAPClient.mssoapinit siteRoot & "/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL"

Dim result
Set result = SOAPClient.GetListItems( "Tasks", "", _
   xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Query"), _
   xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ViewFields"), "", _
   xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QueryOptions"), "" )

DisplayNode result

' =================== Helper Routines ==================

Sub DisplayNode(Nodes)
  DisplayNode_ Nodes, 0
End Sub

Sub DisplayNode_(Nodes, Indent)
   Dim xNode
   For Each xNode In Nodes
      Select Case xNode.nodeType
        Case 1:   ' NODE_ELEMENT
          If xNode.nodeName <> "#document" Then
            ' change DisplayAttrs_(xNode, Indent + 2) to 
            ' DisplayAttrs_(xNode, 0) for inline attributes
            WScript.Echo strDup(" ", Indent)  & "<" & xNode.nodeName & _
              DisplayAttrs_(xNode, Indent + 2) & ">"
            If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
              DisplayNode_ xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2
            End If
            WScript.Echo strDup(" ", Indent) & "</" & xNode.nodeName & ">"
            If xNode.hasChildNodes Then
              DisplayNode_ xNode.childNodes, Indent + 2
            End If
          End If
        Case 3:   ' NODE_TEXT                       
          WScript.Echo strDup(" ", Indent) & xNode.nodeValue
      End Select
End Sub

Function DisplayAttrs_(Node, Indent)
   Dim xAttr, res

   res = ""
   For Each xAttr In Node.attributes
      If Indent = 0 Then
        res = res & " " & xAttr.name & "=""" & xAttr.value & """"
        res = res & vbCrLf & strDup(" ", Indent) & xAttr.name & _
          "=""" & xAttr.value & """"
      End If

   DisplayAttrs_ = res
End Function

Function strDup(dup, c)
  Dim res, i

  res = ""
  For i = 1 To c
    res = res & dup
  strDup = res
End Function

Happy coding!


VBA/VBScript and SharePoint Document Library

I really need some help here and your site so far has given me the best information, but I'm still stuck. I'm trying to figure out how to programatically upload files from a local machine to a SharePoint document library using VBScript. Unfortunately everything I've found so far talks about working with SharePoint lists (not document libraries) and suggests using a different coding language/program (which I don't have a choice about--have to use VBScript). I've confirmed my SharePoint list has the "CopyIntoItems" SOAP method available, which I think is what I have to use. I just can't figure out the code (in VBS) to establish the connection and upload a file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.